White Chocolate Cinnamon Tart

I forgot about this tart and it’s so fancy and delicious and I need to make it again.

Once again, this used the gluten-free tart shell recipe (reminder that you can simply subbing any standard white flour for the King Arthur M4M and it should work just fine).

Review of this tart: “This is the best one yet.” – My husband. I will say – it’s a good one. It’s got a few more steps since you need to flavor the milk and cream with cinnamon before making the custard – but it’s well worth it.

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You may notice that most of my tart recipes call for caster sugar. If you watch the Great British Baking Show, you’ve heard the words caster sugar hundreds of times. You may be wondering wtf is it (or maybe, like me, you immediately googled it after the fifth time). Caster sugar is more popular in the UK than it is here in the US, but you can still find it in specialty stores. Whole Foods carries 1 lb bags, but I’ve been ordering the 3 lb tubs on Amazon while I’ve been in this baking frenzy. So what is it?

Caster Sugar is mid-way between powdered/icing sugar and granulated sugar. It’s also known as super-fine sugar. It’s often preferred for baking, especially in things like custards and meringues because it dissolves and blends much more easily than granulated sugar does. It’s basically for when you need more grit than a powdered sugar but a more easy blend than granulated. I would advise using it for best results and a smoother custards, but you can absolutely use regular granulated sugar instead.

This recipe starts by making cinnamon-infused milk/cream. You just put the milk and cream into a saucepan with the vanilla and a cinnamon stick, bring it to a simmer, then take it off the heat and let it steep for 30-60 minutes (or longer for a more intense flavor). Once you’ve steeped it and you’re ready to make your custard, pour it through a fine metal sieve to remove any skin that may have formed.

As always – start with the tart shell.

This is a great tart for the holidays. I decorated it with all red fruit (strawberries, raspberries, and pomegranate seeds) and a few mint leaves. It’s fantastic served with a little bit of whipped cream.